Senin, 19 November 2012

Save Gaza, Palestine!!!

Semua orang di dunia,, yang hatinya bersih,, yang moralnya berbudi luhur,, yang masih mendengar nurani-nya, pasti amat sangat marah dan amaat MAAARAAAH dengan kekejaman dan ke-brutal-an zionis israel!! khhkk

oo, should i shout it in english? although my english is not that good.

People all over the world, with their clean heart, people who still listen to their truly sincere heart, are now exactly very angry, and so MUCH ANGRY with the brutalities of zionis israel!!

Stop it!! Stop the brutality!
Save Gaza!! Save the children of Gaza people!! Save all Muslimin wa Muslimah!
Allahu Akbar!!

And let's pray to Allah, to give strength to Gaza's Mujahid and Mujahidah, to bring Islam up, to beat the tyrant-Israel-laknatullah.

Let's pray for the peace of Gaza, Palestine.

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Senin, 19 November 2012

Save Gaza, Palestine!!!

Semua orang di dunia,, yang hatinya bersih,, yang moralnya berbudi luhur,, yang masih mendengar nurani-nya, pasti amat sangat marah dan amaat MAAARAAAH dengan kekejaman dan ke-brutal-an zionis israel!! khhkk

oo, should i shout it in english? although my english is not that good.

People all over the world, with their clean heart, people who still listen to their truly sincere heart, are now exactly very angry, and so MUCH ANGRY with the brutalities of zionis israel!!

Stop it!! Stop the brutality!
Save Gaza!! Save the children of Gaza people!! Save all Muslimin wa Muslimah!
Allahu Akbar!!

And let's pray to Allah, to give strength to Gaza's Mujahid and Mujahidah, to bring Islam up, to beat the tyrant-Israel-laknatullah.

Let's pray for the peace of Gaza, Palestine.

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